Deep River Mountain Bikers
We are a group of some 20 retirees who meet, usually at 8 am, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at the Deep River waterfront (Centennial Rock) to ride mountain bikes off road for 2 or 3 hours. We have been at it for more than 20 years and tend to gain membership each year as more people retire from work than from biking. We are mainly male but do have some female members. In recent years we have split into two groups: the Heart Smarts and the Brain Deads, the pace being reflected in the name.
We avoid pavement and tend to use off road paths such as ski or snowmobile trails. Most of us use full suspension bikes to smooth the riding encountered on rocky rooty paths. Our biking days tend to alternate between east and west of town and we usually finish for coffee at the Bean House around 10:30 to 11:00.
As we get into October and lower morning temperatures, we tend to meet later than 8 am or even in the afternoon. Once or twice a year we, especially the Brain Deads, will undertake longer rides, possibly on snowmobile trails and hydro transmission access roads that include a stop at Rolphton for a late but hearty breakfast before the return trip to Deep River.
To contact us try Walter Benz, a BrainDead, at 613 584 2215 or David Thompson, a HeartSmart, at 613 584 4007.